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NEW Giddyology app – tutorial

VIDEO TUTORIAL – how to add Giddyology icons:


quick tutorial:
– choose picture: Library or Take a picture
– crop picture
-drag and drop icons
-TAP on the icon to:
-add numbers
-change size of the icon
-change color of the icon
– ROTATE icon with two fingers
– HOLD on icon to add text!
– SHARE picture

Giddyology is the perfect way to add some fun to your pictures. The Giddyology app allows you to instantly add an amusing or insightful icon to your images. Then, immediately share it to Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

Giddyology is the latest trend on Instagram and Twitter.
To get more inspiration check out the #giddyology hashtag on Instagram and Twitter.

Giddyology meaning


  1. The definition of giddy is a feeling of dizziness or of excitement.

    1. An example of giddy is an overexcited child on Christmas morning.
    2. An example of giddy is when you are given the title of President of your company and you are excited but a little bit nervous at the same time.


giddier, giddiest

  1. feeling dizzy or unsteady
  2. causing or likely to cause dizziness: giddy height
  3. turning or circling around very rapidly; whirling
    1. inconstant; fickle
    2. frivolous; flighty; heedless





  1. a. Having a reeling, lightheaded sensation; dizzy.
    b. Causing or capable of causing dizziness: a giddy climb to the topmast.
  2. Frivolous and lighthearted; flighty: was giddy with excitement at the news.

intr. & tr.v.


To become or make giddy.

Origin of giddy

Middle English gidicrazy, from Old English gidig; see gheu(&schwa;)- in Indo-European roots. 

Related Forms:

  • gid′di·ly


  • gid′di·ness


Word History: Though little trace of a divine provenance can be discerned in its modern meaning, giddy is derived from the same ancient Germanic word (*gudam) that has given us the word God. The Germanic word *gudigaz,formed from the word *gudam, meant “possessed by a god.” Such possession can be a rather unbalancing experience, and so it is not surprising that the Old English descendant of *gudigaz, gidig, meant “mad, possessed by an evil spirit,” or that the Middle English development of gidig, gidi, meant the same thing, as well as “foolish,” “mad (used of an animal),” “dizzy,” and “uncertain, unstable.” Our sense “lighthearted, frivolous” represents the ultimate secularization of giddy.

Origin of giddy

Middle English gidie ; from Old English gydig, insane, probably ; from base (*gud) of godgod + -ig (see -y): hence, basic meaning “possessed by a god”

How to add orange bubbles and icons on pictures

Join latest trend on Instagram and Social media! Add Giddyology icons on your pictures!

Download Giddyology app for iPhone and iPad here

Play with your Giddyfingers  and make best pictures

One. Opening apps Giddyology  if we have already, select Choose from library, but if no, press the Take Picture.



Two., When it’s like, let’s cover. It was just a square size only.



Three. Then insert arbitrary. Text can also be put more on.



Four. Done, just hit Save, or to share it, enjoy it.
